Old Friends

Michael R Kiel
Nov 29, 2020
Photo found on todayifoundout.com

An old apple tree had long been my dear friend. He and I were of similar height in our infancy. He began bearing fruit the year I learned to ride a bike. He caressed me when I dared to climb to the height of his arms. Years later, I returned to him three separate times. First, with my daughter. Next, with my grandson. And then, at length, with my resting bones.

Michael R Kiel Fictions

Follow me on Instagram with the same handle. Consider viewing my work at my website: www.michaelrkielfictions.com.



Michael R Kiel

I write emotive and provocative flash fiction and poetry. You can find my work at www.michaelrkielfictions.com. Please know, most photos are not my own.